Let Conrad Spine and Sport Put you on the Road to Recovery

Here's the three steps to TAKING BACK YOUR LIFE!
Get to the ROOT CAUSE of your problem

Get to the ROOT CAUSE of your problem

We take the time to listen and figure out what is going on.
Relieve and Erase your pain

Relieve and Erase your pain

Get the treatment you need to relieve and erase your pain right away.
Take back your health!

Take back your health!

Get the care and tools you need to be healthy and live a pain free life.

Phase #1 We Take Time and We Listen

Then TOGETHER we find the Root Cause

Moving without pain.... It's not a pipe dream
When you’re in pain or injured, your story deserves to be heard! In today’s medical environment, it’s rare to find a doctor who spends more than a few minutes with you, often resorting to pills or surgery rather than uncovering the “root cause.”

At Conrad Spine and Sport, we understand that each patient has a unique story, body type, and set of goals.A major mistake people make is focusing solely on the symptom of pain without evaluating the underlying “root cause,” leading to prolonged suffering.

What is the “root cause”?
The “root cause” of an injury can involve multiple parts of the body that are stiff, weak, or lack stability, causing compensations and pain elsewhere.

These areas might not even be painful themselves, such as:

  • Tight hips affecting your lower back.
  • A pinched nerve in your neck causing referred pain.
  • An old ankle injury affecting your knee.

At Conrad Spine and Sport, identifying and addressing the root cause is our first priority in our three-step process. We take the time to listen to your story, understand your frustrations, and learn about your goals, creating a highly personalized care plan.

Whether you’re afraid of stopping exercise, keep getting injured, or want to enjoy life without pain, we will create a plan tailored to YOU.

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How Do We Figure Out The Root Cause Of Your Injury?

Motion Analysis

Our motion capture technology allows us to quickly and accurately detect stiff joints and tight muscles. Furthermore, we can identify compensations in your body using precise data points.

Hands-On Assessment 

Once we capture your movement, we confirm what we see through hands on, joint and muscle assessment. We take time to analyze not only the area of pain but also, above and below to make sure we capture any compensation that we find.

We Want To See You Move

We want to see you move. An essential part of our method at Conrad Spine and Sport is watching you perform the tasks that cause discomfort. If deadlifting is painful, we must observe you doing it. If lifting your baby hurts, we need to see that too, or simulate it as closely as possible. This comprehensive strategy ensures we consider all options to get you back to what you love.

Phase 2: Relieve and Erase Your Pain

Our #1 goal is to relieve and erase your pain

How Do We Achieve This?

At Conrad Spine and Sport, what sets us apart from other chiropractors is our unique combination of ‘hands-on’ techniques and corrective exercises.

Let's Break It Down:

Manual Therapy/Manipulations:

Our doctors have dedicated HUNDREDS of hours to mastering various manual therapy and manipulation techniques, ensuring you receive the best possible care.

These techniques help alleviate chronically stiff and achy joints and tight muscles, breaking the cycle of pain you're experiencing.

Chronic stiffness can lead to issues such as:

  • Poor posture
  • Limited flexibility, restricting movement in the gym
  • Scar tissue and inflammation

Some of these techniques include:

  • Trigger Point Release Therapy
  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation
  • Cupping Therapy
  • TheraGun Treatment
  • Gentle Joint Manipulation

Will These Treatments Hurt?

A common concern is whether these treatments will hurt or cause more pain. Rest assured, that is NOT the case here.

While these techniques may cause mild soreness, it’s usually the “good pain” that signals positive changes in your body.

It's similar to working out after a long break—your muscles and joints might feel a 'good sore' afterwards, indicating progress.

Importantly, YOU are in control.

Before any treatment, we thoroughly explain each technique and its benefits, ensuring you understand and are comfortable with our methods.

Corrective Exercise:

When we ask our satisfied patients what makes us different from the ‘typical’ chiropractor, they often mention our unique approach to corrective exercise.

This is the "Phase 2" of your treatment, a step many other chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists overlook.

Our approach ensures our doctors have a deep understanding of exercise, including classic weight lifting, Olympic lifting, CrossFit training, yoga, strength and conditioning, and high-performance training.

Whether you're a high-level athlete or simply want to feel good and be healthy, we cater to your specific needs.

Unlike many chiropractors who claim to understand exercise but lack the time to incorporate it into treatment sessions, we actually guide and coach you during your session.

Inquire About Cost and Availability

Movement is the Best Medicine 

At Conrad Spine and Sport we don't believe in quick fixes

We understand that finding a long-term solution involves ensuring you exercise properly and safely, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Exercise is crucial for healing from an injury, but doing the wrong exercises or using improper form often leads to more pain and injury.

At Conrad Spine and Sport, we embrace the idea that “movement is the best medicine.” However, movement can also cause many injuries if not done correctly.

Our goal is to make sure your exercise routine makes you stronger and more confident, empowering you to live the active and healthy life you desire!

Phase #3 Movement is the Best Medicine

After steps one and two, our priority is to ensure you’ve achieved your goals and can return to doing what you love!

The final step is to take back your health! At Conrad Spine and Sport we have been fortunante to see:

  • People avoid back surgeries, even when doctors said nothing else could be done.
  • Golfers, once ready to quit, playing 18 holes without needing pain pills.
  • Patients who thought pain pills were their only option have found relief through our natural treatments.

We don’t promise a magic pill or simple fix for complex problems. But we DO promise to use every tool, resource, and ounce of knowledge we possess to improve your movement, how you feel, and help you achieve your desired outcome.

We are NOT a practice that relies on a few machines or generic exercise sheets. We ARE a practice that specializes in doing everything possible within our scope to help people make significant transformations in their confidence, mobility, and quality of life… without needing pills or unnecessary surgeries… even if all other conservative options have failed.

If you want to learn more about how we can help you before committing, we highly recommend our free 30-minute discovery visit. It can be done in person, or over a Telehealth call.

A free discovery visit is a consultation where we get to know each other and ensure we’re a good fit before starting treatment or assessment.

Please note that we are selective in who we work with, choosing only those we believe we can impact. Due to high demand, our availability is limited.

Don’t delay in requesting your first session!

Request a Free Discovery Visit