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If you do not see the answer you are looking for please feel free to email your question to drconrad@conradspineandsport.com.

Ql. I'm already seeing another chiropractor, why would I come see you?

Dr. Nick: The truth is that most chiropractors do about 10% of what we do at Conrad Spine and Sport. In addition to what a 'typical' chiropractor may do, we offer many other services like soft tissue treatment, exercise programming, and rehab exercise. Most important, any treatment plan given is custom tailored to your specific needs. One size never fits all at Conrad Spine and Sport.  

Q2. I don't want to be adjusted, do I have to be?

Dr. Nick:The biggest thing that we do differently at Conrad Spine and Sport is we don't adjust just to adjust. We have many other techniques and protocols that we can use to get the results that you need!

Q3. I'm going to physical therapy, why would I come see you?

Dr. Nick: Conrad Spine and Sport provides all of the same services that a typical physical therapy clinic would. The difference is the time and personal attention you get at our clinic. Your entire visit is spent 1-1 with a doctor. We don't pass you to an aide or an assistant.  

Q4. I've already got exercises from my physical therapist, why would I need MORE exercises?

Dr. Nick: The truth is that most exercises given in Physical Therapy are 'cookie cutter'. In other words, every person that walks in with back pain gets the same set of exercises, no matter what. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. You may have exercises to do, but they may not be the RIGHT exercises.  

Q5. You talk so much about exercise. What does that have to do with chiropractic?

Dr. Nick: EVERYTHING! I believe that proper movement and exercise is often the BEST form of medicine for anyone. Most people in pain will benefit from the COMBINED approach of chiropractic care as well as proper exercise.

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Q6. What type of patients do you work with?

Dr. Nick: Here is a list of people we can help:

Chronic Pain Suffers who:

  • Have tried everything, but have not been able to find relief (GIVE US A CALL!!)
  • Have unexplained neck and shoulder pain that never or rarely gets relief.
  • Would like to be active but get hurt or have pain every time they try to exercise. 
  • Weekend Warriors who love to play sports but work long stressful hours and don't always have the time to get the proper medical care they need
  • Serious youth and college athletes who have been injured playing their sport
Hypermobile Individuals that:
  • Feel misunderstood by their current care team and are looking for better ways to manage their hypermobility and related comorbidities.
  • Are sick of being told there is nothing they can do for their HSD/hEDS and want to increase their quality of life.
  • Are looking for a personalized exercise program tailored to their individual needs without fear of re-injury.
  • Are struggling to exercise due to pain, dysautonomia, subluxations, or injuries.

Chronic TMJ Dysfunction individuals who:

  • Have constant Neck/Jaw/Head pain due to TMJ dysfunction
  • Have been told that they need surgery to releive the pain (CALL US FIRST)
  • Constantly clinch or grind their teeth at night.
  • Have constant headaches and neck pain.

Q7. What if I come for a first visit and don't want to make another appointment?

Dr. Nick: Cool! We give you the options, it's up to you to decide. My first priority is to help you to understand what is going wrong and then help you come up with a treatment strategy. Once I have done that, it's your decision as to what happens next!  

Q8. How likely is it that you will be able to help me?

Dr. Nick: If you have pain or stiffness in the following areas: Back, Hip, Knee, Neck/Shoulder, TMJ, Ankle/Foot then there is a great chance that I can help AND if I can not, I will certainly tell you that and help you find the right person that can!  

Q9. Can I talk to you before I come to the office?

Dr. Nick: Absolutely. Just call (469) 552-5904 or email me directly at drconrad@conradspineandsport.com

QlO. What will happen if I don't do anything about my injury?

Dr. Nick: To be honest...in most cases, it won't heal and the pain will continue to progressively get worse. This is obvious. The not-so-obvious is that your joints and muscles will begin to compensate and cause other problems that will limit you, long-term.

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Q11. "This only happened the other day," how long should I wait before coming in?

Dr. Nick: ASAP!! The general rule: "The longer something has been around, the longer it will stay around." The quicker we can get in for treatment, the quicker you will get the results you want.  

Q12. What happens if I come in and the spot that is hurting me doesn't really hurt at the time? Should I still come in?

Dr. Nick: Yes! In fact, this is often the best time to come in. You see, when you are in a lot of pain, most of your session has to be spent just working on the pain. When you don't have pain, we can really focus on getting to the ROOT CAUSE of your pain, so you can stay out of pain, LONG TERM!  

Q13. How quickly will I be seen?

Dr. Nick: Often, within days. If you need an emergency appointment, let us know on the phone or in your email and we can arrange it.

Q14. How long will I have to wait once I get to your office?

Dr. Nick: I don't like waiting in lines, and I don't expect you to either. I maintain the schedule so there is rarely any overlap. This ensures that we are on time, and that you don't have to sit around waiting. Trust me, I know you have better things to do with your time than to wait at the doctors' office.   

Q15. My other chiropractor lays me on the table, cracks my back and I leave. Is that what you do?

Dr. Nick: Nope! That sounds pretty cookie cutter to me.... In fact, this is about as far from what we do as possible. We will spend time working on you, doing hands on treatment but also expect that you are willing to learn and move your body!  

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Q16. I have arthritis. Can you help me?

Dr. Nick: Yes! But understand there is no CURE for arthritis. What we can do is manage symptoms that comes from arthritis. Many people with arthritis get to a point where they have no pain at all!

Q17. I am an Athlete; can you help?

Dr. Nick: Yes, I was too. I understand the importance of movement and what it takes to maintain while also preventing injuries.  If you are already injured, we can get you back in the game!

Q18. Will you tell me to stop working out or training?

Dr. Nick: In the almost all cases, NO! My goal is always to help you continue to train or exercise even while seeking treatment.  

Q19. Are your services expensive?

Dr. Nick: They are far less than any surgery or years of perscription costs. As most things, it comes down to what you VALUE. Most people will spend more money on going out to restaurants over the course of a month than they will spend at Conrad Spine and Sport.  

And, each condition and person is treating individually so therefore, there is no 'Set Price'. Upon evaluation, we will learn what your goals are and what you are trying to achieve and be able to match a care plan accordingly.  

Q20. My doctor told me not to see a chiropractor, why?

Dr. Nick: Many MD's are 'old-school' and believe that rest and pills are the best form of treatment. Some may have never really interacted with a chiropractor and aren't clear on exactly what we do. Also, I can pretty much guarantee, they have no idea what Conrad Spine and Sport does since we are certainly different than most chiropractors.

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Q21. My doctor says I need surgery but I don't want to get it. What do I do?     

Dr. Nick: First, let's be clear. When talking about surgery, we are NOT talking about life or death procedures like heart, brain, lung, etc. We do not deal with that type of stuff and please, defer to your doctor who is recommending that.   However, if we are speaking about muscle, bone, or joint surgeries, many can be avoided or delayed with good treatment. And I always tell people, the surgery will always be there if our treatment does not get you better.     

Q22. How long does a session last? 

Dr. Nick: Depends on what you need! Our clients tell us they love our Root Cause Pain Solutions with the doctor that last a full hour, so that's what we do most!

Q23. Will I need a referral from my doctor or a prescription to see you? 

Dr. Nick: Nope. Just give us a call and we can get you right onto the schedule.

Q24. How often will I need treatment? 

Dr. Nick: This always depends on the specific condition but generally treatment plans are no more than 2x per week for the first couple weeks than it tapers down.. Remember, we do custom plans.. These are just averages.  

Q25. Do I need to come forever?  

Dr. Nick: Absolutely not! This is probably a terrible business plan, but I believe in being honest. I want you out living your life! Come see us if you have pain, then go do what you love! This is why patients of Conrad Spine and Sport love Root Cause Pain Solutions. Get out of pain for good! However, some do CHOOSE to stay on their own because of the value and long-term health we have been able to provide.  

Q26. Can chiropractic care help manage EDS/HSD symptoms?

Answer: Yes, chiropractic care can help manage symptoms of EDS/HSD by focusing on improving joint stability, reducing pain, and enhancing overall function. Chiropractors can provide gentle adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and personalized exercise programs to support the unique needs of EDS/HSD patients. It's essential to work with a chiropractor experienced in treating hypermobility conditions to ensure safe and effective care.

Q27. Are chiropractic adjustments safe for EDS/HSD patients?

Answer: Chiropractic adjustments can be safe for EDS/HSD patients when performed by a skilled chiropractor knowledgeable about these conditions. Gentle techniques and low-force adjustments are typically used to avoid overstressing the hypermobile joints. The chiropractor will assess each patient's specific condition and tailor the treatment plan to ensure safety and efficacy.

Q28. What types of treatments can a chiropractor provide for EDS/HSD patients?

Answer: Chiropractors can offer a variety of treatments for EDS/HSD patients, including:

  • Gentle spinal and joint adjustments: To improve alignment and reduce pain.
  • Soft tissue therapies: Such as myofascial release, massage, and trigger point therapy to address muscle tension and discomfort.
  • Rehabilitation exercises: Customized to strengthen muscles, improve joint stability, and enhance proprioception.
  • Lifestyle and ergonomic advice: To help manage daily activities and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Pain management techniques: Including modalities like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and cold laser therapy.

Q29. How can chiropractic care improve joint stability for EDS/HSD patients?

Answer: Chiropractic care can improve joint stability in EDS/HSD patients through targeted exercises and therapies designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints. This includes:

  • Stabilization exercises: To build strength in the core and other key muscle groups.
  • Proprioceptive training: To enhance the body's ability to sense joint position and movement, reducing the risk of dislocations and subluxations.
  • Postural training: To promote proper alignment and reduce strain on hypermobile joints.

Q30. What should EDS/HSD patients consider when choosing a chiropractor?

Answer: When choosing a chiropractor, EDS/HSD patients should consider the following:

  • Experience and expertise: Look for a chiropractor with experience in treating hypermobility conditions and a good understanding of EDS/HSD. Dr. Nick is 1 of 4 chiropractors listed as provders on the International EDS Societies website, and the only one in North Texas.
  • Gentle techniques: Ensure the chiropractor uses low-force, gentle adjustment techniques suitable for hypermobile joints.
  • Customized care: The chiropractor should provide individualized treatment plans tailored to the patient's specific needs and limitations.
  • Communication and collaboration: Choose a chiropractor who communicates well and is willing to collaborate with other healthcare providers involved in the patient's care.
  • Patient reviews and testimonials: Check for positive reviews and testimonials from other EDS/HSD patients who have received care from the chiropractor.
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Q31. What is Root Cause Pain Solutions?

Answer: Root Cause Pain Solutions is a specialized approach at Conrad Spine and Sport that focuses on identifying and treating the underlying causes of chronic pain, rather than just addressing the symptoms. This holistic method combines Chiropractic Care, Functional Rehabilitation, Functional Movement, and personalized treatment plans to provide long-lasting relief and improved overall health.

Q32. How does Root Cause Pain Solutions differ from traditional pain management?

Answer: Unlike traditional pain management, which often relies on medication and temporary relief methods, Root Cause Pain Solutions aims to uncover and address the fundamental issues contributing to your pain. By using a comprehensive evaluation and a multi-disciplinary approach, we develop tailored treatment plans that promote healing, enhance function, and prevent future pain.

Q33. What is ChiroGolf Elite?

Answer: ChiroGolf Elite is a specialized program for golfers, including 10 one-hour treatment sessions, a range visit for biomechanical analysis, and a tailored strength and mobility program.

Q34. How can ChiroGolf Elite help my golf game?

Answer: ChiroGolf Elite helps golfers improve mobility, address swing biomechanics, and pre-hab their bodies to sustain optimal performance and reduce injury risk.

Q35. Do you x-ray everyone?

Answer: We do not! We go case by case. We do a comprehensive exam, and if we find red flags we send for imaging. If imaging is required, we will not treat without it.



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